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What are the types of wooden toys

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What are the types of wooden toys

* : * : admin * : 2018-03-11 * : 0

Preschool education: While training babies' embedding ability, it involves practicing large movements, training young children's fine movements, inspiring them to accurately understand shapes, numbers, and quantities, and thereby exercising muscle flexibility.

Tool class: mainly to help infants understand and master the shape, color, and structure of the calling tool, train their practical hands-on operation ability and hand eye coordination ability, and develop their imagination. Improve infants' cognitive, analytical, and imaginative abilities, and encourage their sense of achievement.

Building blocks: stimulate babies' interest in hands-on activities, cultivate their awareness of rational combination and spatial imagination, and enable them to recognize different colors and shapes; Exercise baby's hand eye coordination ability; Understand geometric shapes and quantities; Cultivate the ability to classify shapes and colors; Enhance baby's imagination

Beading exercises: Beading exercises can exercise children's hand eye coordination ability, cooperation and coordination of hands, and dexterity of hands, making their wrists more flexible. At the same time, children can count, perform simple addition and subtraction, and use shapes for pairing, classification, etc

Puzzle class: Composed of various forms and rich content of puzzle pieces, it trains children's ability to think independently based on their understanding of the combination, splitting, and reassembly of graphics, while also cultivating their patience and perseverance.

Dragging: Improve infants' cognitive abilities, let them know the different characteristics of different dragging animals, and exercise their walking ability over a large range.

Traffic toys: Based on the baby's understanding of the construction of trains, cars, and various engineering vehicles, train their ability to assemble, drag, and organize, improve hands-on awareness and self-care skills, and understand the transformation relationship between objects through assembly.